Friday, September 08, 2006

Car Analogy (Part One)

Okay, I made it to the office just before 10 today. A pat on my back, thank you, thank you. I think I may have pushed myself a bit hard today. Felt insanely nauseus after trying to clock a previous timing on my 2.4KM run (when I was still salad-fit). Oh well, now I know it actually takes time.

Anwyay, I titled today's entry Car Analogy (Part One) -"Part One" because I never remember everything I keep in my mind more than 30 minutes before. Also, I keep coming out with new analogies when my mind goes on autopilot everytime I'm doing monotonous activites - driving...running etc.

You see, I feel driving and running a business parallels each other in many aspects..

Firstly, your destination is like the goal of your business. If you have been driving around for some time, you can navigate easily and get to your destination at the shortest time possible, just as a seasoned business man will know exactly how to get to where he wants his business to go. But for an inexperienced driver, he must plan his route. And so goes the phrase, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail" Businesess require much planning to get where you want it to go. The driver uses a map, the buinessman educates himself through books, seminars, schools.. and so on.

Also, when you try to take a short cut - for eg, you speed... it's a risk you're taking... you might get caught or fined, or with luck, you might get there quicker. But the guilt or insecurity certainly will haunt you. You don't know whether the cameras caught you, or someone might be watching every move you take (when you do things under the table).

Another interesting analogy lies in the journey itself. How you get to your destination most effectively. You see, I watch how I drive - simply because my car downs petrol like a depressed drunkard. So, I try to step on the brake as little as possible so that I don't waste the momentum, and this requires a bit of foresight. You try to spot the next traffic light, see whether it's going to turn red soon, so you don't step the accelerator when you don't have to and let it roll all the way to a stop. The same way in a business, you try to be as efficient with your energy as possible. You don't push yourself all the way and drain all your energy at one time and then exhaust yourself out in one single blow. It has to have a steady momentum. After all, we have human bodies. So, we haqve to learn to use/channel our energies as effeciently as possible to minimalize our efforts and maximize our potential when we "accelerate" by having a good foresight; how many cars are ahead of you, how fast are they going, where/when can u overtake etc...

I find overtaking is like seeing opportunities in business. There is a risk to take. How "safe" is it to overtake?... and when exactly to strike? You see, time is very precious. I try to get to the destination as quick, yet as (fuel)efficiently as possible. Therefore, there are 2 reasons I overtake. First, when I'm not at the maximum speed that I am allowed, and when I'm at a good momentum, and there's obstruction (a slow BMW lady driver for eg.) And so I observe around me and decide the perfect timing to overtake (while showing the finger at the b*tch looking at her top mirror deciding which "your place or mine" smile to give her boss today).

As usual, I can't recall the rest of the story.

Thank God, I hear you say.


Blogger sereneannabelle said...

finally, something of substance.


naiveness is good, ok. it implies simple-mindedness.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Nell said...

I totally agree; simple-mindedness.

8:24 PM  

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